Providence Issues 12K Speeding Tickets in First 33 Days of Camera Program

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Drivers be warned: if you plan on speeding through Providence, it cost you.

State officials are reporting that more than 12,000 speeding tickets have been issued in the first 33 days of a new school-zone speeding program. That’s the equivalent of a ticket issued about every four minutes, according to WPRI.

15 additional cameras were installed in school zones around the Rhode Island capital as part of the new program. Drivers caught traveling more than 11 miles per hour over the speed limit in those zones between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. are issued a $95 fine. As of February 22, the city had collected more than $370,000 from violators, WPRI reports.

At the current pace, Providence will issue more than 134,000 speeding tickets over the course of the year – about one for every resident over 18 years of age.

So, take it easy on the gas pedal – you never know who’s watching.

SOURCE: Boston Magazine

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