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HAVERHILL, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — During the current national bus driver shortage, Haverhill students are unable to get to school on time.
Haverhill School Committee member Paul Magliocchetti has received more than a dozen complaints about buses picking up students as late as 40 minutes after their scheduled pick-up.
The school has been having this issue ever since they signed a contract with NRT Bus. Parents are unhappy with the lack of communication from NRT.
“NRT has been a problem ever since they took over the contract,” said Magliocchetti. “We’re always short busses, short drivers, and there are delays getting kids to school.”
Magliocchetti also said that not all of the problems are within NRT’s control.
“They are having an issue purchasing additional smaller buses,” said Magliocchetti. “The factories aren’t even putting them out right now.”
NRT said they are aggressively trying to recruit new bus drivers with higher pay and signing bonuses.
WBZ’s Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) reports.
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