Mikey and Frankie were born and raised in Framingham. Both have been on-air on Kiss 108 during their careers.


Frankie, the older brother, has since spread his wings to the west coast with shows on Channel 93.3 in San Diego, KIIS-FM in Los Angeles, Kiss 107.9 in Sacramento and many other iHeartRadio stations across the country.


Mikey has been on-air on Kiss 108 since 2013, hosting nights, now PM Drive, and can be heard on other iHeartRadio stations across the country. Mikey is also the Assistant Program Director and Music Director of Kiss 108.


Newcomer Gianna Gravalese adds the female perspective and produces the program; Gianna is another local talent born and raised in Revere, MA. In addition to her role with The VBros, Gianna is an on-camera reporter for “Dirty Water TV,” a Boston-based nightlife cable program on NESN.

Your Friday Wins, Chicken Drones, and Dad Bods

She Caught Him Out With Other Girls, Without His Wedding Ring!!

We had a married couple (Sabrina and David) with us on group chat that was in a heated argument, because David was caught taking a picture with 2 girls without his wedding ring on. He says it's because he was at a golf tournament and didn't want to wear it while he was playing, but Sabrina isn't sure if he's telling the truth. We ask the city to chime in!

Listen to the VBros live on the iHeart Radio App or through your smartspeakers every weekday afternoon from 2:00pm - 7:00pm EST!

Gianna's Crazy Next Move, And The Worlds Most Expensive Dog!

We were excited to hear breaking news from our very own Gianna that she and her boyfriend are moving in together! What's the crazy part? They've been dating for 4 months! She says she feels great about it, but Mikey and Frankie think it's a little "coo-coo." We ask you to chime in and hear your thoughts!

Listen to the VBros live on the iHeart Radio App or through your smartspeakers every weekday afternoon from 2:00pm - 7:00pm EST!

The First Thing You'd Do After Spending Nine Months in Space....?

We find out on our show that the 2 NASA astronauts who've been stuck in space for 9 months are finally coming home tonight! Naturally, we were curious -- what's on their bucket list once they land? We had our listeners share their ideas on today's group chat!

Listen to the VBros live on the iHeart Radio App or through your smartspeakers every weekday afternoon from 2:00pm - 7:00pm EST!

Celebrating Saint Patricks Day and Mikey's Birthday!!

It's officially Saint Patrick's Day! We chat about the one thing you'll need to start feeling better after a hangover, dive into a group chat that would make Apple cry, and of course -- celebrate our very own Mikey's birthday!

Listen to the VBros live on the iHeart Radio App or through your smartspeakers every weekday afternoon from 2:00pm - 7:00pm EST!

Kicking Off Saint Patty's Day Weekend and Celebrating Pi Day!

We couldn't ask for more perfect weather in the city! We kick of the Saint Patricks Day weekend (and Mikey's Birthday weekend!) with your Friday Wins, and talk about the top things that we do in America that they definitely don't do in Ireland on St. Patrick's Day.

Listen to the VBros live on the iHeart Radio App or through your smartspeakers every weekday afternoon from 2:00pm - 7:00pm EST!

She's Skipping Her Sister's Destination Wedding, Because She's Paying For Her In-Law's Ticket?

We have a pretty complicated family situation in group chat today! Anonymous's sister is having a destination wedding, and she found out that her sister is paying for her fiance's brother's ticket to fly there. Her fiance's brother is unemployed, but anonymous thinks it's totally unfair that they have to pay for it (especially since destination weddings can be expense as is). As always, we ask the city to chime in for advice!

Listen to the VBros live on the iHeart Radio App or through your smartspeakers every weekday afternoon from 2:00pm - 7:00pm EST!

He Called Off The Engagement, So He Could Get Engaged To Someone Else!

A pretty insane story today on group chat. Our anonymous caller has been in a relationship with her ex-fiance for 3 years (and known him for 7!) and he broke off the engagement right before her bachelorette party. It's four months later, and he's already engaged to someone else! We ask the city for advice... should she let it go, or should she get even?

Listen to the VBros live on the iHeart Radio App or through your smartspeakers every weekday afternoon from 2:00pm - 7:00pm EST!

Her 28 Year Old Boyfriend Is Going To Spring Break In Cancun... Without Her?

Our caller on Group Chat says her boyfriend (who's 28 btw) is planning a spring break trip to cancun without her. Her boyfriend said it's nothing more than a guy's trip, but she says he's waay too old to be doing that. We ask the city to chime in and give their advice!

Listen to the VBros live on the iHeart Radio App or through your smartspeakers every weekday afternoon from 2:00pm - 7:00pm EST! 

He Didn't Tell His Girlfriend He's Having A Baby With His Ex??

We have a couple on today in Group Chat that needs advice, because the boyfriend is having a baby with his ex, but didn't tell his girlfriend about it! As always we ask the city to call in and share some advice.

Listen to the VBros live on the iHeart Radio App or through your smartspeakers every weekday afternoon from 2:00pm - 7:00pm EST!