Man Arrested for Throwing Biscuit at Ex-Girlfriend 'Really Hard'

Jeffrey Tomerlin, 45 of Tennessee was arrested after he decided to throw a biscuit at his ex-girlfriend's face. 

Tomerlin went into a fit of rage after he spotted his former companion in the car with another man in South Nashville on Sunday night.

Apparently he charged at the car and began punching the hood and telling the couple he would kill them. In addition it is alleged that he yelled racial slurs.  During this episode he decide to lunge a biscuit at his ex-girlfriend and hit her in the face.

Police arrested Tomerlin and he was booked into jail on charges including public intoxication, vandalism and assault.

The extent of the woman's injuries are unclear at this time. Jeffrey Tomerlin is being held on $3,100 bond.

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