My Morning Routine for Success .

I believe the morning routine is SACRED. The success of my entire day is based on how well I execute my morning rituals. I'll start by saying, i don't have any children or animal children, so i wont pretend that my time is the same as yours, but i do believe no matter what life you live some of these principles will help live a better day... week.... month.....year.

My biggest tip: Don't check your phone as soon as you wake up. Its a time suck.

I start by setting my alarm much earlier than I need to be out the door. This allows me the time to check to-do's off my list. If you're not a "morning person," start by setting your alarm 15/20 minutes ahead of time. Disclaimer* I fully believe in the saying, "if you wanted to, you would," so I don't buy into "I'm not a morning person" rhetoric.

I find I'm most creative and intuitive in the early morning hours so i light a candle, read, journal, listen to music, meditate and if its's the weekend i try to get a workout in. Those are just idea starters for you. It's important to choose something that feels right and fulfilling to you during a time when no distractions or pressures are present. This allows you to fill up your cup, so you can pour out for others.

Some ideas include:

  • Listening to podcast
  • Cleaning
  • Crafting
  • Listening to music
  • Working on a career change or transition
  • Writing
  • Gardening
  • Walking or fitness
  • Even catching up on a TV show!

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