Backstage at our Kiss 108 Kiss Concert, GAYLE opens up about the moment her song became a hit.
"I was actually in Arizona at my best friend's house when the song got put on today's top hits and that was one of the most amazing, wholesome experiences I think I'll ever get to have–"
GAYLE breaks herself off, emotional.
Photo: Richard Knowles for Kiss 108
"Her mom just looked at us and she was like, 'Oh my god, you guys did it. You did everything you wanted to do with the song. And I'm so, so proud of you.'"
"To have that moment with her and her family, it was really, really beautiful."
Photo: Richard Knowles for Kiss 108
"We were both together and it was just– a really, really beautiful experience to get to have and I'm very, very grateful for it."
"There was years and years just being two young women in Nashville trying to make pop music and trying to make a name for ourselves."
"We went from writing songs in my bedroom to being able to upgrade a studio to having songs on the radio."
Photo: Richard Knowles for Kiss 108
"So many people didn't believe in us and so many people told the both of us we couldn't do this. And especially that we couldn't do it together."
"And we did."
Check out the full interview below!
Photo: Richard Knowles for Kiss 108